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Are you looking for a Nepali Unicode converter?

You are in the right place, you will find an easy and quick English and Nepali Unicode converter plus a converter for Unicode to Preeti Font. So that you can perform both tasks on the same page. I have created this because it was not available on another site.

I use this page everyday in my day to day life for my work like Graphic designing, blogging, and Nepali Documentation.

Easy way to convert English letters to Nepali letters Unicode. No need to know Nepali Typing, now you can convert English alphabets to Nepali letters. It automatically translates your English letter into Nepali letters.

You can use this in sending messages, Graphic design, Documents, or letter typing.

English to Nepali Unicode Converter.

English to Nepali Unicode Converter
Other special characters
ri^ = रि (as in प्र)
rr= र्‍ (as in गर्‍य)


शब्दको अन्त्यमा हलन्त राख्नको लागि backslash (\) अक्षर प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । Example: bas = बस, bas\ = बस् |
If a Nepali letter gets wrongly analyzed with the preceding letter, use the slash (/) key to separate. Example: pratishatko = प्रतिशत्को, pratishat/ko = प्रतिशतको |
Combine English into your Nepali Unicode text: Simply put any English text inside the curly {} brackets to keep it in English. Example: yo {mobile} mero ho. = यो mobile मेरो हो

Convert Unicode to Preeti Font

Download Nepali Fonts

Preeti Normal  Download

Ganess  Download

Urmila  Download

Kalimati Download

Here you can also download the popular fonts for free. this page will help you to save you time.

Conclusion for English to Nepali Type converter unicode

I think it is the best page or site for Unicode converter. In this page, you will get the following:

  • English to Nepali Unicode Converter
  • Unicode to Preet Font converter (also known as Devnagrik to Nepali typing converter.)
  • Also, How to type in using English text in Nepali
  • Links for downloading popular Nepali Fonts.