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Facebook Advertising in Nepal, Promote your business with social media in cheap rate, ads banner

Boost Details FORM Guidelines

Boos post URL = Link of your post for boost
Age Group = Target Ages
Location = Choose your location
Gender = Choose targeted Genders
Boost Target = Choose what you want to get from your boost
Boost Budgets = Enter your Total Budgets with Boosting Days
Audience Interest Type = Place your audience interest if you have

Boost Details


Boost Target

How to Facebook Advertise Form Nepal?

It’s very simple and easy, just go to and message them that you want to advertise on Facebook, then they will provide a price list. If everything goes right they will contact you and your ads will be instantly published on Facebook.

Even, I can help you to boost your Facebook Ads. Check my Facebook advertise price given below and contact me.

How to Facebook advertising in Nepal | Advertising on Facebook form Nepal

I was having the same problem when I was going to boost my Facebook page. Then I found out by doing some research that, Nepalese people couldn’t advertise in Facebook due to the payment method by Debit/Credit card of any bank located in Nepal (including Standard Chartered Bank or any other FDI Banks). These are the major Problem faced by people who are willing to advertise their business on social media.

Contact me if you want your own business or personal Website. 

E-commerce Website

Business Website

Personal website